Installing the SureCall Fusion2Go Cellular Booster with the RV antenna


The SureCall Fusion2Go with the RV outdoor antenna
I was going to mount the antenna to the rear bike rack but I decided to put it in the rear bag bottle pouch.  This way I wouldn't be scratching up my rear rack and it would make for easy removal if I ever wanted to take it off.
Inside the bottle pouch is a plastic ring perfect for attaching a wiretie and the antenna to.
The antenna cable was routed out the bottom of the water bottle pouch and along the top of the rear rack.
I was going to run the antenna through the frame but the eyelets didn't leave much room and if I were to get it though there there would be no getting it back out without cutting it so I opted to run it on the outside of the frame.  This would allow for easy removal should I want to take it off.
A could wireties keep it in place up to the handlebars.
I made a small loop out of a wiretie to hold the antenna wire in place and route it into the bag.
That's all there is, wire up the internal antenna and hook up the battery and away we go.
With the SureCall cell booster off I was getting about -108 RSRP dBm which put the needle between the orange and the yellow.  Note that the RSSNR is at 4.4 dB
With the SureCall cellular booster powered on I was getting -74 RSRP dBm which put the needle almost in the middle of the green range. The RSSNR dropped to 0.8 dB